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Naan Like Bread for Breakfast

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Liquid Ingredients in a Measuring Cup:
150ml of distilled / filtered warm water
150ml of micro filtered 3% milk
2 Table Spoon of Yeast (Can substitute with Baking Powder. If so, do this after pouring liquid into flour)
3 Table Spoon of your best Virgin Olive Oil
2 Tea Spoon of sea salt
1 Tea Spoon of vanilla extract (optional)
Stir until all ingredients are well mixed

Dry Ingredients in a Mixing Bowl:
About 3.75 Cups of All-Purpose Flour

Pour the liquid ingredients into the flour and using a spatula, begin mixing everything thoroughly. You will then need to use your hands to squeeze and knead the dough to speed up the absorption of the liquids. The dough is ready when it is no longer sticking to your hands. Cover the mixing bowl and leave in your oven for an hour to rise. If using Baking Powder, can skip this step.

Take out of mixing bowl and begin folding the dough into itself. Mold the dough into an elongated shape and then cut into sections of 8 or about 100g each if you have a scale. You can then saran wrap the remaining pieces and store them in the freezer. For the ones you want to cook immediately, flatten it out with your fingers and then the palm of your hands. Spread it out to the thickness of your choice. Cook on medium heat and flip it back and forth. Whole cooking process shouldn't take longer than 8 minutes for each pieces. I have noticed that some will rise and some will not during cooking. Maybe related to the thickness of the flattening process.


Updated December 25th, 2023 at 12:32 PM by glen

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  1. glen's Avatar
    You can also put the defrosted dough into a toaster oven for 15 minutes at 400F. This creates more like a baguette instead of a naan.