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Hydrogen Peroxide

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What is it? Well if you look it up on Google, all you read is fake news and more fake news. What they don't tell you is that hospitals used to give patients this to rub all over their body. But because the so called "Experts" claimed it is bad for the skin, it has since been removed from hospitals.

Nothing beats personal experience. I use it on my son's eczema that he gets around his chin. It is better then the crappy OTC cream we've been using that only cures the symptom and not the cause. Everyone says it should go away once he stops drooling. I called BS. I was drooling up to the age of 7 and didn't have any of the crap my son is going through. I still blame the 6 shots of vaccines that he got before he even turned 2. Had I known better, I would have stopped it. The Hydrogen Peroxide is helping but I think we are not applying often enough. I just need my wife to be more diligent as he won't let me apply it on him.

Anyway, I recalled having a really bad eye infection on my left eye one day. And noticed just under the eye, there appeared to be some kind of rash forming that was quite similar to my son's eczema. Using a Q-tip and drowning it with Hydrogen Peroxide, I placed it over the rash and boy was it bubbling. I kept add it for a few days until the bubbling subsided and instead of waiting for weeks for my eye infection to clear, it only took a week. I still have a light scar under my eye to prove it. One thing I should point out is that I should probably used something to cover the bubbling gas from entering my eye. As it is quite an irritant and caused the whites of my eye(cornea) to become quite red.

I also used it on the back of my right ear that I think was infected for quite a number of years. I remembered it would usually start with an itch and then the smell of a dead carcass would appear. But after almost a week of battling this infection with constantly applying Hydrogen Peroxide on it and yes it was bubbling like crazy, the infection has subsided. I still to this day, apply it whenever it gets a bit itchy behind the ear. The Hydrogen Peroxide also has a stinging sensation if the infection is quite deep in your skin. But the stinging should subside after subsequent applications and the bubbling should also subside which means the infection is dying off.

Updated June 9th, 2022 at 10:43 PM by glen

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  1. glen's Avatar
    You can throw your hazardous Windex or other cleaners in the trash. Hydrogen Peroxide can do the job better and safer.
  2. glen's Avatar
    I have also been using it to clean my inner ears. Whenever my inner ears get itchy, that's when I put about 5-10 drops in each ear and let it simmer for about 10 minutes each. You can usually tell it's quite dirty or a sign of a sore throat is coming when they bubble like crazy. So doing this prevents any infection in the throat from becoming full fledged. Finally, if you already have a sore throat, I find putting it in a humidifier, put the humidifier on high and then breathe in the cloud; this helps to rid of the sore throat quicker. And I mean a lot quicker!
  3. glen's Avatar
    I find that if you don't dilute with distill water, the burning sensation to your throat is quite strong. You may want to dilute your 3 percent food grade Hydrogen Peroxide to 1 percent by adding distill water. There's no science to the measuring. Just dilute as much as needed to the point that it is tolerable to you.
    Updated December 22nd, 2023 at 09:08 PM by glen